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Faith Tabernacle Church
Wednesday Nights Bible Study 

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Get your pen and paper ready because every Wednesday night the word of God is taught and explained in great detail.  The bible says that His people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, but you don't have to be destroyed you have a choice. It is absolutely necessary that you as a believer know and understand the word of God. Every problem, situation, and the question can be found and answered in the word of God, but you have to take the time to find out what God is saying.

The bible is the language in which God speaks and when you know and understand His language meaning His word then you will begin to see results and you will begin to develop a relationship with your God. When you don't know the word it causes you to deviate from God's perfect path, but when you walk in the light of the word there is no room for error. 

Please come and discover the hidden things of God that can only be revealed through his word. The dynamic teaching that goes on, on Wednesday night will leave you wanting more. Come and see for yourself! Every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM.   

    Faith Tabernacle Church
    45 Neyland | Houston, TX 77022 | PH: 281-717-0667